Since I installed Avast 4.6 Home edition on my Windows XP Pro (SP1), at times the scroll bars of any windows application don’t work. They seem to freeze. Does anyone know more about this problem?
Are you sure this is avast related?
If you keep the providers window opened (just left click the ‘a’ blue icon and enable Details) and check the last file scanned by Standard Shield when the freeze occurs, maybe you could help troubleshooting this.
I too would have my doubts as to the cause of this, you could uninstall avast and if the problem persists you can rule out avast.
I would however, suggest that you update your OS it is well out of date and as such vulnerable to many exploits that have long since been patched by MS. Updating to XP SP2 would also allow you to update IE6 to IE6 SP2 which will make your browser (and OS integration of IE) more secure.
Thanks for the suggestions. Will try to troubleshoot problem. Updating to SP2 once forced me to do a complete reinstallation, so I will stick to SP1.