Start-up error

Hiya guys, its me again. One of my friends, whom I suggested to get Avast!, has had a bit of a problem with it. He says that whenver he starts it up he gets an error message (attached) and the Avast! icon is grey instead of blue. He hasnt said anything else, and because he moved houses and lives quite far away I cant see the PC for myself and have a look around. If more info is needed plz let me know. Here is a spec of his PC (this is what I remember anyway):
Windows XP Home Edition (SP2)
AMD Athlon XP 2GHz (not sure bout the speed)
Oh and its a laptop if that helps. There were no problems for the past year or so, but recently it has been popping up.

Have they confirmed that the file doesn’t actually exist in the avast4 program folder?

If so, try a repair of avast. Add Remove programs, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Change/Remove button and scroll down to Repair, click next and follow. You need to be on-line to do this.
If that doesn’t work do as they suggest in the error message, uninstall, reboot, install, reboot.

I just called him and he said that the file isnt in there. I emailed him the file- maybe it’ll work. I forgot to ask whether he reinstalled Avast! but I think he has as he aint that stupid- he’s a Microsoft Certified Networking Engineer :stuck_out_tongue: but cant fix his own PC :o :stuck_out_tongue: Im just waiting for him to call me back to tell me if it worked, and then it it hasnt I’ll tell him to reinstall. I’ll let you guys know more in a min…

It would probably be worth trying the avast! repair first.

Why don’t the M$ technician follow the error message suggestion? ;D 8)