My computer is possibly infected with a virus, Windows xp won’t start, safe mode does not start either, computer just keeps on restarting, there is a blue screen message at the end of the cycle but it disappears to quickly to read. Checked the hard drive with a chkdsk command going to recovery console and the hard drive is ok. I don’t have any antivirus soft. installed. Is it possible to boot scan with Avast at the computer start up to check for viruses?
you can try a bootable rescue disk
How does it work?
You’ll need to download and burn the CD on a clean (and working) computer, of course.
When you tried to boot into safe mode, did you also try “last known good configuration”?
The chances of this being malware related are quite high, given that you don’t use AV. Avast has a boot scan, but needs to have been installed first, of course.
Avast also sell a BART CD, but most would choose to try the much cheaper (free) option, first. The Avast offering is intended more for corporate environments.
wow, thanks for quick replies, Pondus this tool looks promising I will try it out as soon as I get some sleep I am on the other side of the world and been up all night. Tarq I tried “last good working config.” as well, didn’t work, yes I also think it is a malware or could be hardware related, now I regret I didn’t use AV I was afraid it might slow down my games. Fortunately I have another comp. with AV on it (Avast) I’ll burn the cd with it. Thanks, I’'ll report back.
And more here if you need, not all are free
Download FREE Bootable Rescue CDs from Kaspersky, BitDefender, Avira, F-Secure and Others
Very advanced
I tried Kaspersky bootable cd and freedr.Web cd with no luck. I get linux kernel error which I found out is related to my specific motherboard model. With freedrWeb I was able to test my Ram memory which passed the test. I wonder if there is any other free bootable scan antivirus software. I also would like to try an in-place windows xp upgrade or repairing existing windows xp installation with a windows xp cd. After booting from a windows xp cd it gives an option of repairing an exitsting windows installation. I was wondering if after doing this I would have to reinstall all of my programs or everything would be left intact, does anybody know this? Please help. Sorry that it is kind of off topic.
If you do a repair of XP, you should not loose any of your other data. This process is not like a reformat as it just repairs the OS without messing with the other data.
thanks Charley, that’s what I thought too, just wanted a confirmation from someone
You are welcome, synth.
Come back and let us know how it goes for you.
I was able to repair my op. system using windows xp cd, all the installed programs are there, no need to reinstall. There is an apparent issue with internet explorer 7 according to one of Microsoft articles which I still have to check but right now I installed Avast and doing a star up boot scan as I am typing. I suspect it is not a virus that caused the whole problem but a hardware, I am suspecting a power supply unit, but have to wait for the scan results.
Turns out comp. was infected with a Vitro/Virut virus, got it out, never seen a nasty virus like this one before.