I’m sorry to say this product isn’t ready for release. I run a lot of HDDs. On the first run it reported that 11 HDDs had never been scanned. The first was a 64Gb USB3.0 flash drive. Started a scan that just didn’t start… After about 10 minutes I stopped it and moved on to the next HDD. It wouldn’t even accept the “Fix Now” button press.
Came back avter a while and the button worked… It too stopped at 81%. Stopped it and went on to next HDD. I finished okay. Next - Looped so stopped it… Next - looped too. I just gave up.
Of the 11 drives 5 “hung” and 3 worked before I gave up…
Suffice to say I wont be taking up your trial extension any time soon.
I will admit though - it did clleanup about 9Gb on my system drive
Thanks but no thanks…
OKAY - I have some encrypted files which I can no longer access after scanning my discs!!!
I restored a system image and all things are good again. I executed my free trial and found the product unacceptable.
I use the free virus checker and that has done me well. I don’t bear any responsibility to the cleanup program. I’ve
reported the fault on this forum. Whether they investigate and/or rectify the problem is up to them. I can’t tell whether
it was the cleanup or the scan that did it? Up to them as they don’t allow me to report the bug elsewhere…
After I read through this topic it seems that there is probably some issue in our Disk Doctor feature however it is very hard to guess what it is without the log files.
Is there any chance that you still have them on your disk? Please check the location here: [b]c:\ProgramData\Avast Software\Tuneup\log[/b] if there is something left.
If not, unfortunately there is not much we could do about it as it would be very hard to simulate the same scenario in our environment.
and in there there were weird files names - Folder 8866F8A9-70C9-43A2-BFBE-EE00AA2DC417 within which was
file - 44ED97C8-2D40-4A50-913D-673F6858B9AF full with 117 zeroes and
file - errors with 438 zeroes
No log files.
Like I said - I had lots of folders that were “Windows” encrypted that I no longer had access to.
Could I suggest you resume testing of your product with a system WITH encrypted files and take it from there?
I am no longer using your product so I don’t think I could be any help…
Can I delete your folder from my ProgramData folder as it is holding 250Mb of my C: drive…?
yes you can safely delete this folder c:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Tuneup\burger_client_setup\ especially if it takes 250MB of your disk space like you wrote.
We will try to replicate the issue using encrypted drive as you suggested.
Once again we really apologize for the troubles you encountered while using our product.
Thanks but you misunderstand me - the whole AVAST Software folder is that size, the “burger…” folder is only 555b… I HAVE deleted that…
The c:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\ folder is 224.Mb and the other big folder is the c:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Persistent Data
folder which is 16Mb… The rest are of an insignificant size…
I would imagine the rest of the folder is for your free antivirus program which I will continue to use? So I assume I CANNOT delete the rest???
You’re right, if you already deleted everything from "c:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Tuneup: I would recommend you to leave the rest as is especially if you still have Avast Antivirus installed there as well.