Starting afresh with Avast & a Question

I have recently installed Avast again after quite sometime of giving up.
I gave up with the older version as it seemed a bit buggy, - freezes etc, and try as I might I jus couldn’t configure it to work with my “non Microsoft” e-mail client.
I am pleased to say since installing the new 4 version it has ran perfectly. I had some problems again configuring the e-mail side of things, but it turned out to be the fault of the computer operator - me! :-\ I did not close down my e-mail client (Courier) before running the configuration wizard.
You may be interested to know Avast found 3 virus’s that AVG didn’t. I don’t know how long they had been there. The way things are going I am sure I will be sticking with Avast this time as the new version seems greatly improved.
Just one question.
I disabled all references toAVG in the startup so it wouldn’t conflict with Avast while trying it out. I notice AVG still scans the bootup when starting the PC. Is this something Avast does too but not in such an obvious way? And will it cause any problems with this happening?


I’m glad avast works for you now… :slight_smile:

If you’re using Win9x (which you probably do since you’re using AVG’s boot-time scan which is AFAIK available only under Win9x), you can keep AVG’s boot-time scanning feature without interfering with avast. avast’s boot-time scan only works under NT-based systems.

Thanks for the reply vlk ;D