Status window forever!

Oh please point me to the #1 post that tells me how to stop Avast from the “HEY HEY IVE DONE SOMETHING!” window that has no close icon and everything inside it clicks to a url. I mean, fine. Tell me, but let me FYO if I doint care…

Middle of a movie, tv show, game, I get this nifty blue window telling me how great it is, but I have to sit there and smile as it does it.



Free from virii means suffering agony.

Anyway, I’m sure there is an option. must be, but where… and no I didn’t UFSE coz they never work… bet the case here is they do… so back to #1!


Not entirely sure what hey I’ve done something you are describing, but I will hazard a guess you mean, notification that an auto update has been done ?

If so, two options:

  1. avast program settings (right click the avast ‘a’ icon), Update (Basic) section, Details button, uncheck the ‘Show sliding box after automatic update.’

  2. Same Program settings, Troubleshooting section and check the ‘Check for full screen applications (e.g. games) before displaying popups.’