Stay away from "SpeedBoot v1.5"

The uninstall has bugs and will not reset your orginal registry settings and you’ll end up doing a manual uninstall which can be nasty. For some reason the SpeedBoot uninstall doesn’t put the Avast, Sygate, systray, and scanreg back to it’s original start up state. Nasty uninstall. Nasty!

Anyway, the program didn’t speed any boot time that I can tell. I’m laughing in hindsight but last night I wasn’t! >:(

But of course I’m just a “*****” with a lot of computer experience and little knowledge.

I will stay away from it :wink:

But of course I'm just a "*****" with a lot of computer experience and little knowledge
That person Is wrong. He does not Know the REAL culpepper we see here on the forums! I am glad to have you with us

Well, thanks! I appreciate it. Nevertheless, I sort of took what he posted as a compliment and thought I would run with that for a while.