SteamService.exe and SteamErrorReporter.exe False Positive

avast! just updated itself to the latest (120205-0) definitions and immediately canned SteamService.exe. I allowed avast! to delete the file, and I reacquired it from Valve’s servers. Immediate detection of a Win32:Trojan-gen and when the reacquire failed, avast! picked up SteamErrorReporter.exe. I have reinstalled Steam and avast! still picks up it as a virus. I made an exception to the Steam directory, but it still picks up the files.

I would like to report this as a false positive. It only detected it as anything on this latest virus definition. I also sent it to the virus lab as well.

VirusTotal report:

avast! Pro v6.0.1367
Definitions 120205-0

I was JUST about to report this. I’m having the same issue. Tried making an exception, and it still reports these files as Win32:Trojan-gen. I even tried stopping the File System Shield and reinstalling, and it still won’t let me!

Thanks, then it should be fixed soon.

I was just about to head to bed when I saw this little scare. Avast also gave me an alert when I attempted to run MalwareBytes.

A false positive i can understand, but the System Scanner continuing to detect access to the file even after i had stopped it bothers me. If the button says that it will turn the feature off it should do so, and it didn’t. I only wanted to stop it quarentining the file so i could get the version number for the false positive report but couldn’t.

The reporting UI could do with a look at for usability. If you’ve just blocked an exe you can already tell me things like the version number and program name, you don’t need me to try and jump through hoops to avoid protection to get that information. It would be safer for me not to and produce more reliable results for you.

Also a FP, has already been reported.

well it better be resolved soon, i have some riddler trophies to collect!

guys, deactivate your file system shield until the next update :wink:

A update has just been released!

I just updated…its fixed here!

try it!

oh okay then … let’s still wait a bit to make sure that the new update fixed everything.

Thanks for the feedback…! :slight_smile:

no problem!
that FP messed me up for a while! :stuck_out_tongue:

I did, i even restarted to make sure something hadn’t gone wrong in the update process. The file system shield continued to detect it even when stopped. That bothers me more than a false positive.

Please update your VPS to: 120205-1

That even happened to me…i wonder what is wrong ???

I have done. Steam executables are no longer detected as false positives.
I still want to be able to disable the filesystem shield if i need to.

Since the last Steam update, which I installed some minutes ago, steamerrorreporter.exe has been a false positive again.

You can report a possible FP here:

I fixed this problem by simply exiting everything I felt being a risk, then i exited avast, downloaded the steam platform update and then turn avast on again. You should try it. :slight_smile:

Same problem here. Ah but I noticed the other topic now…