I recently downloaded avast! because my Norton Internet Security subscription ended. When I bought it a year ago, I din’t know there was free virus protection. Anyways avast! keeps telling me that the on access scanners of Norton and avast! can’t be on at the same time. And I keep getting this red box that pops up saying that avast! is unable to connect to download updates.
I’m kind of scared to completely uninstall Norton. If I do and something goes wrong, will I be able to install Norton again? I think it’s just the virus protection that you need a subscription for. The intertet security doesn’t say anything about needing to renew a subscription. Is there some way I can get avast! and Norton to work together?
I have done this successfully on two computers and I do not regret it.
Make sure you read the entire thread first. The removal tools are easy to download to your desktop. You may also want to download the avast! setup file to your desktop in case you need it. http://www.avast.com/eng/programs.html
Using the Norton removal tools will also remove your firewall, so if you don’t have WinXP (with Windows firewall) you will should download a firewall before you remove Norton. That way you won’t need to connect to the internet without a firewall. You could reinstall Norton’s firewall without the anti-virus, but free firewalls, such as ZoneAlarm, are available that behave better than Norton and won’t make your computer as slow.
I thought the Norton removal instructions looked complicated when I read them, so I printed them out, and it was surprisingly easy. I am sure you will love avast! as much as I do.