I’m still on 4.8 - it was only when I visited the Avast website to get my annual key that I found out about 5.0.
I have program updates turned on so why was Avast not upgraded automatically?
Do I have to uninstall 4.8 before installing 5.0?
Am I protected if I just stay at 4.8?
An overinstall should detect Avast 4 and remove it when installing Avast 5. It did for me, but some others reported problems.
yes you’re still protected with 4.8, but you get a better product with 5.0 obviously. Don’t upgrade directly, uninstall 4.8, reboot, and then install 5.0, that’s the safer way.
There isn’t a direct update path through the avast 4.8 GUI to avast 5.0, so if you tried a manual program update it would say you have the latest version (of avast 4.8). With over 100 million avast users there is a rolling update notification so you should have been notified, probably through the iNews information in due course.