Stolen Phone not updated on web?

Okay so i was on vacation and my phone got stolen.
Now i received a couple sms on my trusted phones but answering with sms commands doesnt seem to work since i got a call from the thiefs number.
My main question would be the following: why does the web interface still show that my phone is secured and hasnt changed to “stolen mode” and most importantly, how should i approach the command sending ?
Thanks in advance

It will be shown as “stolen” if you set so by SMS (there is a FAQ with the command syntax) or in the web portal.

Thanks for the answer :slight_smile: but it does not only show as not stolen, but all the parameters as sim and location are not updated. The webportal is still showing my simcard whereas i received a couple sms with new inserted simcards and new locations etc. Apart from that sms commands dont seem to work, as i stated previously.

I’ve asked for a technical answer to this issue. Seems anything is not working in the portal…

Tech, you are saying the portal doesn’t work for you either?


No, it works for me. But not for the OP.

what happens if you send a SMS command to the phone?
which sms commands have you tried?

maybe the phone has trouble connecting to the portal. in this case, please use SMS to track it.
you can try to send a command to the phone from web and see if it replies.

Well, the commands i have sent so far were,
However i did not get any responding texts and the locating doesnt seem to work neither.
So far there have been three different simcards been inserted but the dates arent being updated on the portal.
Sending commands from the portal doesnt work either.
Does all the portal communication go through the internet or is this sms based as well?
Is there maybe a option for me to give my account details to someone in your tech departement so he casn look into that?

I just saw that i can edit the devices phone number manually to the one that i got via sms, will see if that works.
didnt work either

the phone number is not related to that as we do not send SMS. its connectivity issue. did you try connection test on client?


if even SMS commands don’t work anymore it’s most likely that the phone is either turned off or the thief hardresetted the device (Anti-Theft will be gone in this case if it was not installed rooted).

Well how come then that i still get sms notificatons?