Stop detection of jailbreak items

Hello. I am an Avast user with a jailbroken iPhone. As such, I would like to have Avast quit detecting and putting jailbreak-related files into the virus chest.

I was wondering if this is possible. If not, is there any place I can provide feedback to Avast about this?


Sorry. To clarify, I am using Avast on my Mac, not my iPhone. Avast detects files like unc0ver, which I sideload to my iPhone through my Mac via a charging cable connecting the two.

So, this is specifically related to detection on a computer.

To clarify, are you saying I should post on that board instead or that this post has been moved to that board?

Yes that is what Asyn is suggesting.

Only Avast team members with Full Moderator status can move a topic and it would probably be quicker for you to create a new topic in that sub-forum.

Okay. I will do that. Thanks!

Edit: Here is the post I made:

You’re welcome, hopefully you will get some help there.