I have downloaded aVast! vers.4.1 Home…All things look ok but…when i click right mouse button on the taskbar icon of avast(wich is merged with VRDB) and select Stop On-Access Protection and Exit all the providers are stoping(this is ok) but icon remains in taskbar so…no exit?!The icon remains with offline sign on it and not disappear and i can still select Stop On-Access Protection and Exit…i guess there should be something like Enable all Providers or something like that.
Any help apreciated! :
Yeah you’re right. I think after the providers are disabled the “Stop On-Access Protection and Exit” should be replaced by something like Resume On-Access Protection or something
Maybe this should be posted at wishlist!?
For now if you wish to perfectly disable avast! you need to use my avast! External Control utility.
After you use “Stop On-Access Protection and Exit” you just need to resume one of the providers and all other will wake up together with that one.
"Stop On-Access Protection and Exit"
The problem is the word exit. Proper english defines exit as leaving.
This function however only pauses Avast.
The proper discription should be:
Stop On-Access Protection and Pause Avast
But, that’s only a minor thing.
I will try that.Thanks!
“The problem is the word exit. Proper english defines exit as leaving.
This function however only pauses Avast.”
I agree with u!
“The proper discription should be:
Stop On-Access Protection and Pause Avast”
Yes,that will be correctly regarding language more than a real utility of this function…
“But, that’s only a minor thing.”
I like my antivirus program to be disabled any time i want…and i want it real often(like when i’m leavin the internet since i’m on dial-up).I’d like to free my computer memory when i’m not on internet,because i play very memory-demanding games.For me…that’s an annoying bug!(Sorry :-\ )
Sorry, but it’s not possible to free the memory completely - your computer may stop working. Some operations are hooked by the resident providers, your e-mail program may be redirected to the avast! resident protection module (so that it can check the mail), etc. It’s simply not possible to unload all the modules. In that case, you wouldn’t be able to send or receive your e-mail anymore, and the operating system may suffer from other malfunctions. The best thing we can do is tell the resident protection not to scan anything and pass all the requests untouched.
I’m using my AEC Disable avast! Protection function all the time and i didn’t experience any difficulties except that you can’t send mails during disabled state. Otherwise everything is working ok. I can even install other antiviruses when avast! is in this state (i also disable services and startup keys,so it doesn’t startup on next boot.
For me, the AEC works perfectly as RejZoR posted 8)
I never said that I want to free all my computer memory(?!?)…what I wanted to say was to free memory regarding those avast services that eat at least 20-30Mb…and on the other hand,slow down every aplication(ahmm…games).
You say that is imposible to unload all the modules.How come the utility develop by RejZoR do just that?!I try it and it works like a charm but…I don’t like the idea to use something external on such promising product wich is aVast!
I think aVast! deserve a better implementation of pause/exit function.
Have a nice day! 8)
I meant all avast! memory, of course
what I wanted to say was to free memory regarding those avast services that eat at least 20-30Mb...and on the other hand,slow down every aplication(ahmm...games).
avast! applications don’t take 30MB, that’s rather an exaggeration.
What operating system do you use and how much RAM do you have?
You say that is imposible to unload all the modules.How come the utility develop by RejZoR do just that?!
RejZoR himself said that you cannot send e-mails when the service is disabled. Sorry, but that could be rather a big problem for many users (those who aren’t very familiar with computers… they may start to reconfigure their e-mail client and cause even more problems than before). I wouldn’t be surprised by some problems with Script Blocker (unability to browse web, …) as well.
Honestly, I don’t know what’s inside the ashServ process memory - maybe it could be reduced, but it’s rather a question for Vlk. I’m just saying the it’s not possible to unload completely.
Yeah,you’re right…it takes about 16Mb more or less : I use WinXP Pro SP2RC2 and I have 1Gb RAM(I know,I may sound silly crying after some mbytes but it’s not just memory it’s more about slow-down created by the avast proceses).
At least,make that option Stop On-Access Protection and Exit to be just Stop On-Access Protection or something like that and when selecting again that option there will be Enable On-Access Protection…that will be real nice
One more important thing I want to say: you have a very good product here,a PRO one…that’s aVast!Keep it that way…make it better!