Stop the ads! It's too much.

It’s getting really ridiculous. It’s not several times per day, that avast shows ads for other avast products, with no way to disable them, without disabling all other popups too.

It’s not an argument that it’s a free product. You do want people to use your product, and I’ll be looking for an alternative AV program soon, if this doesn’t stop.

Dear Avast,

I hate the new popup ads I keep seeing about errors on my PC and how to buy more software to fix them. I typically renew my license every 2 years, but I will not be renewing next time if these ads continue. I pay you guys good money to avoid stupid popups like this, but now you’re shoving them in my face. It’s the complete opposite of why I buy your product in the first place. Knock it off, or lose another customer. Thanks.

No ads at all with AIS.
Perhaps they bought Avast Pro.

I have avast premier and this option that i am recommending you to turn off in my pc its turn on no ads at all.
[b]What ads are you talking about i have seen none.
Turn off this following feature
1.Go to settings under community disable Participate in the avast community (No community feature and ads)
2.Don’t want sounds go to settings->appearance->sounds under that unmark the check box Enable avast! sounds(No annoying sounds for some users.)
3.settings->appearance->community features under that unmark the two check box Show avast! recommendation features and Show social networking features.(No community features and avast ad!)
4.Go to settings->update->details unmark Show notification box after automatic update.(No annoying avast virus database box and sound that is annoying some users)
5.Go to setting->tools->grimefigther un mark that check my pc for grime.(No annoying grimefigther notification.
6.The last now tell me again if there are no way to fix your stupid problem.
7.Please use the damn search button before posting!
8) :slight_smile:

Sorry to disagree. That is precisely the argument and the need. Tons of hours on development need a reward to keep alive. Tons of freewares and open source products are dying due to lack of resources. We do not leave in a spiritual, angelical world.
In mobile market, tons of zillion apps uses precisely the annoying nature of add to ask users to pay for the apps. I’ve done it myself.
If you feel uncomfortable, you need to move on. Or start a new world, a new way to survive.
My personal opinion only.

Bad advice. This reduce the overall security of the Community and your own. Besides, technically, it has nothing to do with ads, absolutely nothing.

avast! is here because the hard and excellent work of the programmers plus the 200 million users Community, the biggest in the worldwide.

This is a good advice and the correct one for ones who do not want to see the new products and services offerings.

Problem? ???

“avast! is here because the hard and excellent work of the programmers plus the 200 million users Community, the biggest in the world.”

Hi ,

At the end of March 2012, Quiho 360 had about 411 million monthly active Internet users, according to iResearch.

And 360 Internet Security is FREE, without any adds! And 100% detection an latest AV Test!

I am puzzled ???
Why are you here complaining instead of over there praising ???
I’ll put up with a few ads and continue to use avast! Free which has kept me safe for over 10 years.

Is not about complaining or not, is about truth!

Simply put, " plus the 200 million users Community, the biggest in the world" is not true anymore; there is another Sheriff in town now.

Being an “avast! Überevangelist” most likely makes this thing difficult to comprehend…

I don’t know which av company is the biggest.
But if you lived in China, you would not have said so.

The title simply means a long and active user of the product and the forum.
It in no way impairs my comprehension. :slight_smile:

Edited my post: world to worldwide.

That doesn’t change it’s meaning.

For me, yes. Worldwide means counting the diversity of the world users.

1.The number setting is on for me sorry for that bad advice.
2.(No community features and ads) Participate to the community is on for me and also i don’t see ads at all but for some users might be annoying not annoying for me.
3.(The last now tell me again if there are no way to fix your stupid problem.) Not really i just want to clarify that there is a option in avast setting to fix their problem.
4.All of the avast settings is on in my system no disable features here.
5.Sorry for some bad advice and the tone of the voice. :slight_smile:

They are not the same.

“world” is a noun.

“worldwide” is an adjective.

The phrase “in the worldwide.” is grammatically incorrect, it needs a noun after the adjective such as:
“in the worldwide community”.

“the biggest in the world” was correct.

@ waking,
You seem to forget that English is not the first language for many of the members of this forum.
It’s nice of you to give an English lesson but, I know that wasn’t your intent. :slight_smile:

Sorry, I’m not English native.
Will this solve what I wanted to say? That avast! Community is spread all over the world and “this” particular Community is the largest?

Doesn’t disabling update panel work?

I hate the ads too, but I’m afraid you’ve got to cope with it.
avast! can’t stop doing ads, otherwise they would lose USERS. Users wouldn’t use it, and the popularity would NEVER grow.
So please, don’t complain. I’m sick of ads too, but you need to cope with it. :frowning:
No company will ever stop doing ads. That would mean - nothing would be popular in the WORLD if nothing was providing ads.