When i am at work in a project at home suddenly two popup came from nowhere and disturb me then i put it to Gaming mode but why avast!? >:(
At least they are not as misleading and/or with false information like the previous ones
I really have to ask…
Why would I want an anti-virus program that is supposed to clear programs off of my computer that give me popup ads, when the anti-virus program gives me popup ads itself?..The answer is I don’t and anyone that does is stupid.
So why don’t you guys remove all the popup ads because I for one won’t use ANY version of your software until you do. You have turned your anti-virus into MALWARE and you are no better than to ones that make viruses. All you need is just a small banner that offers the paid version in the dialog box, we all know what it’s about. You don’t need to try to aggravate people into buying your product, that is just going to make us hate you.
Many competing antivirus vendors send the ads in mail and have popup free programs
It is really simple.
avast has chosen this way for their business model.
Options :
- Use the free version and learn to live with it
- Pay for the product(s) and disable the promotional adds.
- Use something else.
Stop complaining if you have the free version and get the adds.
No-one has forced you (at least I hope not) to install it.
My Avast must be faulty ! not had any for months…
Same here… ;D
Same here... ;D...and here! :)
Such “advices”, coming from aggressive - blinking - men in uniforms, make “user experience” even more “interesting”. Avast’s “policy” is annoying and most likely counter-productive. And don’t blink at me, please.
They are ‘ads’ not ‘adds’.
People have a right to complain if they are not happy with a product, you do not have the right to tell them to stop.
At least avast is upright about it as it covers part of the costs.
They have teamed up with Google as many others on the Interwebs.
Other AV vendors are not so upright about this and sell your data behind your back.
And I didn’t get a welcome gift
Greetz, Red.
Same here - it would be interesting to find on which specific PCs those ads come & on which not …
Dumper, it is a free product.
If people don’t like it, they should not use it.
I’d be happy to send you one. (Just send me enough money to cover postage and handling.)
Perhaps you shouldn’t use it, Blinky. Some people take their time and come here, trying to make it better, less annoying.
I am not using avast anymore for months.
I have to ask. If you are infact no longer using avast! why are you posting on the forum as you tend to often inflame rather than help the posters . :o
… interesting question
I started to pay 8 euros per year to “remove ads and unlock other premium features”
I am still having as much ads as before.
Did I miss some secret button?