Fine tuning a fresh Windows 10 install for my mother - she’s late 70s, and I’m trying to keep using the computer as simple and straight forward as possible.
When I woke the computer from sleep this morning, the UI was open, and Smart Scan was running. We all know Avast is trying to find issues to sell us the paid version, but asking my mom to learn how to click through the choices and make the UI go away so she can use the computer is too much.
How do I make this issue go away, without disabling Avast to the point of being un-protected?
*And I’ll add: it seems I can sleep and wake the computer now, without the UI opening, so assuming it’s set to run the UI and Smart Scan the FIRST time the computer is woke on any given day.
The Smart Scan as far as I can recalls the UI to be open. You should be able to go into the Smart Scan settings and either Stop it running as a scheduled scan or set the schedule to a more convenient day/time. AvastUI > Menu > Protection > Virus Scans > Custom Scans.
OK, I think I found the schedule and changed it.
UI - Protection tab (left side) - Virus scans - “open now” Custom scans - hover Smart Scan line, 3 dots right side - settings - drop down menu has Smart Scan choice, and Frequency choice, which I’ve set to “never”.
Hopefully this will do the trick. Mom only uses her computer once or twice a week (us kids use it more than she does).