Stopped scanning removable media on system shutdown

I just noticed Avast 4 has stopped providing a warning message when I shut down if a floppy or CD is in the drive.

Checked settings and both are checked to warn on shutdown.

I have tried the following

Avast repair and reboot
Avast uninstall and reboot
Downloaded latest version
Avast install and reboot
Problem still the same

Using Win XP Pro
Avast version 4.0.235
VPS version 0307-5

Can anyone shed some light on this. I can shut down my system with a floppy or CD in the drive(s) with no warning. In the past Avast would prevent this from happening. This is a great feature to prevent virus’s
from being loaded during boot up. What could be wrong? What else can I do? Is this a problem with the latest build or update?
Lots of questions, but few answers!

in simple user interface (standard if using Home edition) press right mouse button so you get the menu that appears.

Go to “settings” and in the first screen that is shown (Common) make sure the ALL the options are enabled. Like the setting to warm if a diskette or CD is still present in drive when shutting down etc…


Waldo is right. The feature is still there, but unlike in avast32 3.0, it’s turned off by default because many people actually disliked it (“you know that avast? Its horrible, ya know, and worst thing about it is that it doesn’t even allow you to shut down the comuter; it always keeps complaining about some CD-ROMs or what, could you believe it? I hate it!”) .

Probably not worth the trouble.


Thanks for the reply VLK. I am aware that it is turned off by default,
But as I said in the original post I have checked the settings and enabled them. Still this no longer gives me the prompts to remove the floppy or cd at shutdown/restart if they are present, instead it will shutdown/restart as if they were not checked. Please see my original post for the things I have tried that did not work to fix this problem.