New user with evaluation copy of Avast! 4 Pro.
Win XP Pro with SP1 and all critical security patches applied.
I rt-clicked on the “A” ball icon in systray, moused over “Stop provider” then clicked on Script Blocker. Up came a dialog asking if I wanted to persist it beyond the next boot. I replied NO.
Next time I clicked an Internet link to go there, up popped the “Script blocker” message again!?
Is this normal?.. Is there some way to turn it off other than telling it to turn it off?
I did NOT want it to persist beyond the next boot, I just wanted it to be stopped for a while, while I tried to work around some problem that it seems to be causing.
I wish you would read what I say rather than providing a non-answer like this!
??? I was dead serious. You should click yes. When you clicked No,avast provider was stopped and previously selected setting was not stored (you selected to stop Script Blocking). I don’t see any other reason why avast! shouldn’t save its settings. I’m stopping providers all the time and they always stay that way till next boot. But i always select YES when it asks me to save the settings. Try it.
SO you’re saying this is ANOTHER difference in language???
The message is titled: "avast!: “Persist the changes?” and the body says: “You are starting/stopping a resident provider. Do you want to save your changes to the resident task so that they are persisted EVEN IF THE TASK IS RESTARTED (E.G. AFTER A REBOOT)?” and above the buttons it says: “Press Yes to persist the changes. Press No to apply the changes JUST FOR NOW.”
I wanted the change (Script blocking OFF) “just for now” so that I could test my problem, NOT forever until I changed it again! Furthermore, the “Script blocking” is NO LONGER SHOWN in the “Pause Provider” list, suggesting to me that it is OFF.
Yet the “Script blocker” message contines to appear despite it being OFF!
Sure I can try it, and I don’t doubt that it will do as you say… but what kind of Help is this??? Am I suppose to reverse in my mind everything that I read?
No, the “Last scanned” (and other) items are grayed-out and the “Script blocker” itself also looks like it IS stopped.
However, any time I click a link up comes the “Script blocker” message!
I just tried this on my Win2K Pro system and I do NOT get the “Script blocker” message after I tell to provider to turn itself off and not to persist the setting.
So in my XP system script blocking continues regardless of being stopped or not but in Win2K it works as I would expect it to.
I guess the Script-Blocker splash-screen is displayed even when the provider is stopped (actually, it’s displayed when the browser library gets “hooked”). It’s probably somehow confusing… but it’s really nothing more than just a splash-screen
I’ll see if the splash-screen can be hidden when the provider is stopped (but it certainly won’t reappear at the moment when you start the provider again if the browser is already running).
Sorry “Technical”, but I only saw your reply after replying to the prior.
So that is a way to turn it off, which is good.
Still, I hope it can be changed to show itself (Splash ON) when it is on and not show itself (splash OFF) when it has been paused or turned off.
Allowing that the thing is “only a splash” and that script blocking really is off, I wonder what could be causeing the bug in an application that has been running OK for 2+ years and started misbehaving as soon as Avast! was installed???
The application records the fact that one of its contained links has been started and keeps track of the window location/size for that link. Now it no longer can tell that the link has started! Since installing Avast!
I’m going to remove Avast! and see if it starts working again, then re-install.
Did you read ‘Settings’ on my signature?
Did you change your avast4.ini file, tweaking your system?
Jimn, understand me, you want to run but you will love avast if you try to learn slowly… If you find, and you found, some things that could be better, remember, we all try to make it better here.
avast genuine language is Czech.
My translation (to Portuguese) should have errors.
Everything could be improved… Please, don’t blame at us 8)
Me too, sorry…
Now, Igor said there is a technical limitation. The browser integration requires this action…
Like I said before, if you want to tweak avast, go to ‘Settings’ and enjoy the trip. You will be able to configure avast better and much more if compared to any other antivirus.
I don’t know what kind of words you want me to use here, but when I open a topic and the first response is that I am doing something wrong even though I have spent hours trying things and reading the Help I do get a little PEEVED!
My first objective is to get this thing working well so that I can happily pay for it.
I did not know that I had a second objective to find problems in the execution/help of the product. BUT I do accept that everyone here wants to make the product better and I do now see that it still is a “work in progress” and I will try to do my bit towards improving the product.
My problem:
I have a small but very useful application that stopped working as soon as I installed Avast! and worked properly again as soon as I removed Avast! using the prescribed program. I have rinstalled Avast! now that this has been proven, becuase I want to get BOTH working well.
The application is a small window holding icons for links to web sites that I go to often. It remembers:
for links that were open when I stopped this app., re-opens them again when I restart the app.
the screen size that I had set up for EACH of those links, each a different size.
the screen position that the link was at when it was opened last time.
This is a WONDERFUL FREEDOM from IE’s “everything the last size” method of operation!
The application can no longer detect that any link is open. When it ‘sees’ a link being opened it puts a red box around the icon to indicate it is an opened link. Now, with Avast! installed, it flashes the red box when I d-click a link in it’s window but then the box disappears again.
So the application seems to believe that the link was closed again as soon as it was opened.
This renders the whole thing useless, and it was MY MOST USEFUL UTILITY FOR DAY-TO-DAY WORK!
What in Avast! could be causing this? I thought it was script blocking but I guess now it isn’t. BUT it surely is something in Avast! that is messing up the application!
I do now see that it still is a "work in progress" and I will try to do my bit towards improving the product.
Remember, so is Windows. :)
We have a special post just for suggestions.
You'll find it [url=;action=display;threadid=57]HERE[/url]
Sorry. Feel free to post. Maybe it wasn’t my best day
Can you post the name of this application and a link to download it? Is it a freeware?
No doubt, seems a very good tool 8)
The only thing I can do know is testing this application in my computer…
I can’t imagine why avast is doing this but, can you uninstall the Script Blocker (Control Panel > Add/Remove programs > avast antivirus > Remove/Change and then un-check this module) and see what we get ???
I contacted the developer of the application to ask if he had heard of such a problem and ask if he had some workaround.
He had not, and did not. But he did have a new version where development is nearing completion and he was good enough to let me have a pre-release copy. When I replaced the old with the new things got right back to normal.
The name of the application is “MONTAGE” and it has tamed the unwieldy IE for me.
The version I had, the original, was indeed freeware. I don’t know about the new version, nor do I know when it will be ready for prime time. But I will ask the developer and report back here once I have his reply.
Here the description of it: MyMontage is a new web browser that is based upon the standard Microsoft Multiple Document Interface (MDI), enabling users to view multiple sites simultaneously. MyMontage remembers the exact position of each site that is being viewed, so that if you always scroll to a certain position to avoid banner advertisements or menus, MyMontage will automate this for you. MyMontage allows you to create multiple ‘Montages’ containing different types of web content, so as an example you could create a share price montage and a news montage. Additionally, MyMontage suppresses pop-up advertisements and provides an automatic window refresh feature..
I have sent a note to the developer and expect I will hear back from him tomorrow.
His is simpler and, in my opinion, more useful looking than the screen shots of the one you found.
I have my MONTAGE set up as a small line of icons in its window and any icon I click opens the site on thye desktop and I am free to move/resize it as I choose. The one you found seems to restrict the web pages to its own window.
Anyway, I will let you know.
By the way, given what I was observing, it made sense to me that Avast! was the cause of the malfunction. I think it should also make sense to you. But now that it’s fixed, I am quite very happy because no one has to change anything yet all are now happy. It doesn’t get better than that!