A business site with eTrust is looking for a new A/V product so we installed aVast. After doing so network applicaitons are far to slow for production work. The primary app, SoftDent, is a database located on a server share. I have excluded the local EXE, the mapped drive and even several of the key database file types (idx, dat) for scanning however performance is still far to slow. At this point we need to blow a hole in scanning to get performance up so I am open to suggestions.
Server: Win2k3, eTrust A/V with Database and network scanning disabled
Workstations: WinXP Pro, aVast Pro
Database: Mapped drive S:\
I am onsite right now copying an avast ini file with tons of exclusions to all the other PC’s to see if this helps. I will have the site run the database with and without scanning active to see the results and report back. The database in question opens about 130 files and keeps the bulk of those open as you move from screen to screen so scanning of those files is just not an option. I can also upload the ini file if that would help?
ok so I sat down with a user and went through several screens within the database and yes the aVast icon does spin showing it is still scanning although it does appear limited. The question is what is it scanning since I have excluded the local directory where the dbase frontend resides, the mapped drive as well as the entire server wildcard (\server*.*). I also went in and manually added more than a dozen file type exclusions which we had to do to get eTrust working well enough with the database.
I did compare the “feel” of the database from a machine using aVast and a machine running the beta release of MS’s new product (Morro) and it seemed about the same to me but users still say it’s slower than it was with eTrust 6.0. I forgot however to pause scanning and just emailed the main site contact to try that and report back.