Stopping Avast! Drops Internet Connection


When you stop the Avast! services any downloads or internet connections you have are dropped. I guess this is due to the web service stopping and aborting the current connections at the same time.

Don’t know if this is by design or an issue…


WebShiedl should drop only the ‘infected’ http traffic… but, maybe, it’s dropping all of them…


To clarify:

I know that when my file was detected (albeit falsly) as a virus it was 95% downloaded, I then got the alert and the “connection aborted warning” which was to be expected.

However, when I was downloading the same file it got to 20% downloaded and I manually stopped the services and instantly the file “appeared” to have been downloaded already. There were no abortion warnings or prompts. The file was only 20% downloaded (and because of this not a valid Win32 application). I notice this happened yesterday when I was doing some testing too.

… so it seems Avast! interupts downloads when the services are stopped. I guess it would be the web service but I don’t know for sure. There were no connection abortion warnings however – the file just “semi completed” download.

Yes, this is by design. If you stop the WebShield provider, the proxy process, ashWebSv.exe, is terminated. This implies that all outstanding connections are closed.

Thanks Vlk