So I let my brother borrow my headset (Turtlebeach X12, it has a USB thing for power and a mic input and audio output) come to find out when he gave me it back his computer is infected like crazy with viruses so now I’m wondering if my headset could infect my PC, I know this sounds pretty paranoid but I know that most viruses love to hang around on things like Externals and other things.
Way too paranoid. The headset does not store anything. It’s using the USB port for power.
Since it doesn’t store anything, it also can’t pass anything along.
Stop being so paranoid and learn to enjoy life.
An infected head-set seems far-fetched.
But big head-set resellers turn around some 1000 bottles with names, and maybe your name was on the only bottle that came up. ;D ;D :o
But jokes apart, if there is a virus it is on that PC and not on the head-set,
Well in a sense a head set can get infected, with head lice for instance.
Headphones cleaning
Why? Headphones that are used by multiple people may need to be cleaned frequently to help prevent the spreading of germs and head lice.
Procedure: If the headphones being used are plastic or vinyl, moisten a cloth with warm water and rub the head and earpieces of the headphones. As mentioned earlier in our cleaning tips, it is recommended that if your headphones are being used for a library or school that you do not use any disinfectant or cleaning solvent as users may have allergic reactions to the chemicals they contain.
Headphones that have cushions also have the availability of having the cushions replaced. Replacing these cushions can also help keep the headphones clean.
Finally, in regards to headphones and the spreading of head lice, if multiple students are using your headphones, you should consider having the students use their own headphones, using bags that are placed over the headphones, or having headphones that can be wiped with warm water after each student has used the headphones. [quote] quote taken from above link given - article Computer Hope
Well in a sense a head set can get infected, with head lice for instance.
Headphones cleaning
Why? Headphones that are used by multiple people may need to be cleaned frequently to help prevent the spreading of germs and head lice.
Procedure: If the headphones being used are plastic or vinyl, moisten a cloth with warm water and rub the head and earpieces of the headphones. As mentioned earlier in our cleaning tips, it is recommended that if your headphones are being used for a library or school that you do not use any disinfectant or cleaning solvent as users may have allergic reactions to the chemicals they contain.
Headphones that have cushions also have the availability of having the cushions replaced. Replacing these cushions can also help keep the headphones clean.
Finally, in regards to headphones and the spreading of head lice, if multiple students are using your headphones, you should consider having the students use their own headphones, using bags that are placed over the headphones, or having headphones that can be wiped with warm water after each student has used the headphones.
quote taken from above link given - article Computer Hope
Alright thanks for the info guys and I’ll defiantly clean the headset out. Also how do you clean a laptop fan? Mines been getting hotter recently and I don’t want it to become damaged. Its a Samsung RF-510 and when I took it apart I couldn’t find a way to get to the fan.