Strange Ad-Aware Se Update...

Ad aware just said to me the new update is available, but it showed the same update I already have. Look at the update log.

Definitions File Loaded:
Reference Number : SE1R64 31.08.2005
Internal build : 74
File location : C:\Program Files\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware SE Personal\defs.ref
File size : 515383 Bytes
Total size : 1551653 Bytes
Signature data size : 1518542 Bytes
Reference data size : 32599 Bytes
Signatures total : 43185
CSI Fingerprints total : 1032
CSI data size : 36709 Bytes
Target categories : 15
Target families : 740

2005.09.02 17:19:47 Performing WebUpdate…

Installing Update…
Definitions File Loaded:
Reference Number : SE1R64 31.08.2005
Internal build : 74
File location : C:\Program Files\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware SE Personal\defs.ref
File size : 515383 Bytes
Total size : 1551653 Bytes
Signature data size : 1518542 Bytes
Reference data size : 32599 Bytes
Signatures total : 43185
CSI Fingerprints total : 1032
CSI data size : 36709 Bytes
Target categories : 15
Target families : 740

2005.09.02 17:20:22 Success
Update successfully downloaded and installed.

Strange things are going on with it’s updates recently…

Strange indeed YLAP ???

And it says the same again and again!!! >:(

Have you tried reinstalling?Updates work fine for me BTW

If it will last for more than week I’ll reinstall it. But as it’s not urgent, I’ll wait, maybe problem is somewhere else, as it takes some time Ad-aware to connect to update server (I’m waiting for about one minute to get the answer) recently. :-\

Edit: just reinstalled it, but nothing changed. After successful update, it says update availbale again. :-\

hei I have the same problem :-\

Ghosts maybe ;D ;D ;D

No really… I had no problems of this nature, but very often I have unbelievable problems updating Ad-Aware. It says it has new definitions for update, but when I click to download it, nothing happens. One time I remember, I even managed to downloaded update, but when I took a look at the version of installed update version, it was exactly the same as before… nothing changed at all. Right now, I can not even connect to LavaSoft server.

Something is really screwed up on their side, and their update engine simply SUCKS! They should do something regarding that matter ASAP, because this is not the way for no one…

YLAP - my advice is to go to their web site and download that update manually. Then just place DEF file in your default Ad-Aware folder… it works for me.

Cheers !

EDIT: I just checked and same problem here… it really sucks ! ;D

Ditto, same situation reporting an update available that is already installed. I know that the last time I updated it it took a couple of attempts to get it, don’t know if that is/was the same for you (or have anything to do with this).

Downloaded it again and restarted AdAware and checked again and the same update is detected, so I would say there is something wrong with their update server checking routine. I also noticed in the News bit it mentioned 1.06 has just been released despite the fact that I’m using 1.06r1. So something is messed up.

Ok, we finally have official word from Lavasoft, quoted over at Wilders Security.

There’s a new defs update today which corrects the false-positives problem – however, to totally confuse things, they did not change the SE1R64 designation or the date.

Get it from their site, not thru Ad-Aware itself which is apparently still finding the old one (if you can connect at all, of course, that’s been a real pain too).

And make sure you get Build 75, not 74.

Thanks for info! :wink:

And it works right now. I get message about no updates available! :wink:

Link for manual def downloads

As a P.S. - apparently the only way you can see which build you’re getting is to actually unzip it into the Ad-Aware folder, then open A-A. It’s not in “About”, which is where you’d normally expect to find it. On the line which shows the defs version loaded, click the “Details” link at the right and it’ll turn up there.

I think I’ll wait until they fix the problem.Right now I’m using older definitions(not form 31.08).Hope soon it will be fixed I will just use the autoupdate feature

Hi folks,

I had an update problem the other day with Spybot S&D. These things can happen. The update server can be busy. They have several. It just depends.



I had a problem with Spybot’s updates yesterday Polonus but it was ok after i restarted the PC! I hope Ad-Aware and Spybot don’t become like AVG where you sometimes just can’t get it to update for hours!



Yes but Ad-Aware is having those problems rather very often… every second if not every single upade has it’s own kind of problems… and there is not just one problem, there are multiple problems with their update engine. Not to speak how non-user-friendly their team is… unbelievable. I sent them few mails requesting their assistance regarding possible skin design using Ad-Aware theme. I was ready to port their skin to avast!, so people would have few similar looking security applications…

Never ever responded, not even with an mail of denial or anything… that’s not polite at all IMHO. I think I was incredibly polite and I told them it would be very good even for Ad-Aware because that way even more people can hear about their product, right ? But, not a single word from them… like I am not important or something… ok, maybe I am not important, but sure it would be nice and polite to answer. Here in Canada, when you search for a job and you apply to 10 different places with your resume, 95% will answer you either you are accepted or you’re not accepted… but at least they are polite… manners people, manners… that’s what Ad-Aware team have to learn… :wink:

And to prove that, I’m attaching the copy of what I wrote in that mail:

----- Original Message ----- From: Sasha To: Sent: Friday, May 27, 2005 3:48 PM Subject: Requesting your permission... -----------------------------------------------------

Hello !

First of all, let me introduce myself to you…
My name is Sasha Z. Craftec and I live in Canada. I work as computer technician, but also my everlasting love is graphic/web/flash design.

I also work as first additional skin designer for avast! antivirus. You can see some examples (although just small thumbnails) at official avast! web site:

Most likely, you’ll ask why am I writing to you… well, I have to say that I adore Ad-Aware, although I am using freeware version, but I guess Pro must be even better with even more options. Anyway, I really like the style of default Ad-Aware skin, and since I am member of avast! technical support in official security forum, I have to tell you that there is so many avast! forum members that adores your software.

I was going to ask you for your permission to port Ad-Aware default skin to avast! It would be great, and it would also promote Ad-aware even more. All other skins I’ve ever made are originally my idea and my artwork. I never ported anything else, but A-dAware is such a great program, and I would really like to make it possible. Of course, I would give credits to the original Ad-aware skinner, whoever it is. Also, I would name that skin Lavaskin, so it would be nice publicity for LAVASOFT.

Again, please forgive me if I wasted your precious time, it’s just I thought it would be nice idea… btw, I do all my skins for free, I never charged any of that stuff in my whole life. If you need references, you can get them if you contact Alwil Software directly and ask them about me.

Thanks in advance and have a wonderful day people at Lavasoft !
Regards !

Miha my friend… there are indeed some problems with Spybot’s updates as well… but try to solve that by switching to some other download mirrors. I am sure you already know that, but just in case I wanted to mention again… See attach:

It helped me a million of times by now… Btw, anyone knows what happened to or something like that ? …that one was most reliable mirror ever…

Saša i did try with other servers but still the same effect it connected to the servers and started downloading and then it just stopped.I restarted the pc tried again and it worked…



Same problem with S&D updates I switched to the European mirrors as I kept getting Bad Checksum! and was able to download the update OK.

This is very very common with S&D :stuck_out_tongue:
You need to change the mirror or close the program and starting update again, boot…
Or you have to manually download the update and apply it, sometimes.
Very bad update :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyone knows what happened to or something like that ? …that one was most reliable mirror ever… Never ever had problems with them…