Strange antispyware never heard of it!!
Try to see if it is a bogus or not please.

If these guys say it’s not bogus then it probably isn’t.
Doesn’t inspire me with confidence, though.

Thanks for the info!

Its bogus!

See: <== FSA - sites engaged in the selling or distribution of bogus or fraudulent applications

Database lookup may take a a short while.

Shows how useless SiteAdvisor is:

Rating: Phishing or other scams

Detected as a site containing Fraud applications, rogue security. This site is dangerous, keep clear!

Reference for more information

Posted at 11/20/2009-08:09:36 PM by pharmalert, Experienced Reviewer , View profile [ Reputation score: 9 / 9 ]

How useful Browser Defender is?

I sent a test request to Shannon, Ireland

Thank you everyone for the reply^^"
I didn’t put WOT And Browser defender in my firefo because last time I put too much add ons my browser was working totally slow.

last time I put too much add ons my browser was working totally slow.
[font=Segoe UI]Then modify your HOSTS file instead. [url=]HpHOSTS[/url]

It seems that there will be a long step before installing it ;D
By the way thanks :slight_smile:

I see that your signature is By learning through our errors and by improving ourselves! 8)

That’s one small step for a man, a giant leap for mankind

Using the HOSTS file is not such a giant leap. :wink:

I heard that he said: “It’s some kind of dusty stuff. I can kick it around with my foot,” and then returned to the script.