Running ashAvast.exe (the splash screen) or opening avast antivirus by the system tray icon I got a high CPU usage and nothing goes ahead.
Opening ashSimpl.exe, ashSimp2.exe or ashEnhnd.exe work perfectly.
I wish anyone help me to debug this…
Do you see the memory modules being scanned?
How about ashQuick.exe “*STRT-MEM-SHORT” - does it run correctly?
Just tried double clicking the avast desktop shortcut for ashAvast.exe, it did the memory scan and into the Simple User Interface, no High CPU (or hang) other that what is normal for the memory scan.
No… nothing…
It works :
Strange… so, what exactly do you see when you run ashAvast.exe?
Nothing? Or does the splash window appear at least? If yes, is there any progress info in there?
Right now… nothing.
I’ll boot and tomorrow I’ll see what I get.
On avast log viewer I see nothing strange…
I had something similar happen to me a couple of weeks ago. I noticed my CPU temp rising (SpeedFan sys tray icon) and heard the CPU fan churning. When I opened Task Manager it showed ashServ.exe (if my memory is correct) with over 50% CPU usage. I stopped the process and immediately the temp dropped. I restarted avast! and all was well. This happened again about 4 hours later and has not repeated since. I had forgotten about it until I read Tech’s thread. Sorry, I can’t be more specific.
Igor, the problem is still there.
I can run any avast executable from the folder (clicking it), but I can’t start ashAvast.exe
I’ve deleted the file and start an avast installation repair. I have to boot… so tomorrow, I’ll see, now I’m going to bed ;D
If the problem still appears, please check the list of running processes (at the moment the splash screen is frozen). If ashAvast.exe is there, it might be useful to use the UserDump utility (I’m sure Vlk linked it in some of his posts) on it… maybe the dump could reveal where the execution stalls.
Yes, ashAvast.exe is running there on processes. It could stay there for hours… From time to time, it uses higher CPU levels (> 60%).
I’ll use the dump utilily and post again.
email sent to Vlk as explained here:
I thank him for a confirmation 8)
Technical, better upload the dump file to
Done with file
Clearly, the process is blocked by appguard.dll - a library belonging to Comodo Firewall…
Seems like another Comodo/Avast issue… Comodo seems to be quite aggressive by loading its libraries to other program’s processes which can cause a number of issues… :-\
Any solution for that?
I was suspicious about that… but disabling Comodo does not help…
It’s a good firewall… (
It’s a pity these conflicts… :-\
The solution is to send the dump to the Comodo guys… Again (as with the case of the WebShield issue last time), there’s really not much we can do here. It’s simply their issue, not avast’s.
Right now, I don’t know how to do it…
I’ve posted here (,4374). Waiting for a solution from them. :-\
Problem has apparently been solved.