Hi folks,
My sister has Avast! 5 pro installed on her HP notebook.
She connects wirelessly to the net using a Siemens SE 567 DSL modem\router.
Now for the really strange part.
When she updates Avast! at some point it activated her Radio Shack wireless door bell.
In other words when the update(s) complete her door bell rings.
Has anyone here seen this kind of interference related to Avast! 5 pro?
My guess is that her Wi-Fi and her door bell controler use the same 2.4 GHz frequencies.
What has me stumped is, what in Avast! can be doing this?
I did say it was strange didn’t I. LOL
She could just disable her door bell or change the frequency range I guess, but it would be nice to know how an Anti-virus program could do this.
An interesting side note, this has been happening for awhile and her husband, a technically challenged individual by his own admission, suggested that her computer could be the culprit.
Looks like he was right.