strange behaviors (java?)

Hello, avast found this

C:\Documents and Settings\a\Dati applicazioni\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\javapi\v1.0\jar\\Gummy.class

I premit that this is not the first time I find some prob related to java; avast already found something relate some days ago. Is there something I should unistall (eg some java apps?)? I’ve heard that java could allow some flaws for worms, and that is not supported anymore, but I don’t know what to unistall/delete.

Btw, I did a scan after I had problems with my monitor; it became black and frozen for some secs, then returned “normal”. Often frozen without becoming black, until it froze completely, and I was constrained to rebot.
That string is the first thing I found after the scan; now it seems stable, but I guess I have something to remove/unistall in order to get it completely stable.

P. s.; but when avast says that it will remove the prob on the next reboot, it happens that it neutralizes the problem in the meanwhile, until it will be removed completely to the next rebot?

Get to the Sun site if you have Sun’s Java Virtual Machine and download the latest version or patch, a vulnerability has beenreported/found in both MS and Sun’s jVM.

First get rid of the vulnerability and hopefully you won’t be reinfected.

HTH David