Strange findings

I am giving Avast a try as it one of the only anti-virus I haven’t tried and I found something strange. For some reason Avast doesn’t detect a download of a few trojans however when you run a manual scan it detects it as a high threat, so its in the database. I haven’t changed any of settings other then PUP for manual scans which these aren’t being detected as.

P.S. Is there any particular reason why you would want to upgrade to Internet Security over the free version if you are behind a router and your anti-virus doesn’t do much.

you should upload the trojans in question to Avast, through the chest, and mention the names here in this thread too.

As to your question about AIS…what do you mean your AV doesn’t do much? because the real time shields didn’t detect some trojans? AIS will add a firewall/spam filter/virtualization but won’t increase AV protection, it’s the same.

The Trojans in question are 3 Win32:Malware-gen and 1 Win32:Crypt-HLH.

My other anti-viruses don’t do much as in need to detect much in general use might just stick with the free version for now as I don’t think I need firewall being behind a router and use web mail :slight_smile:

Thanks to for your reply however.