Strange GUI behavior...

What’s up with the interface? Letters are messed like some parts of them are missed… ::slight_smile:
Of course, all other applications have nice fonts and everything is working on Kubuntu.

Have you tried the original English version of the GUI ?

Maybe , the problem is specific to portuguese translation. :wink:

I’ll do the next time I boot Linux. Thanks.

It seems that something has been updated and now it’s ok…
I don’t know what, I don’t know why… ::slight_smile:

I’ve just installed avast4 on Ubuntu Edgy…i can’t find this GUI you’re talking about…please help!

it’s quite easy

open a console as root and type " avastgui"

thz GUI will come soon and , if needed , will first ask you to update database. :slight_smile:

FOUND avastgui…but Windoze has spoiled me…was expecting more features.

Which ones?
For sure, avast for Linux has fewer features than avast for Windows but, it’s also true that Linux has less needs to be protected as Windows.

Well…right now i’m trying to figure out how to setup Avast! as a proxy for web/IM just like i did on windoze…?