Strange GUI error ???

I closed avast! on the virus chest.

When opened avast! again, it looks like this ???

I have no idea why this happened, but were it not for the back/forward buttons (that some of you criticized ;)) I would only have access to those two things…

I’ve also seen that (in fact I think I also posted a screenshot).

Yes, I have no idea what causes it…just happened…

There is another version of this though, which I can create on demand…
(just click between the tabs for a while, then press the back/forward buttons as fast as possible and you get two open at a time…yes, it is an odd situation, but it happens… ;D )

I have had that happen once, I think it was after clicking the OK button after a manual Update check. But a couple of closing and reopening the UI brought it back to normal for me.

I haven’t been able to replicate your second issue though. Normally I don’t bother with the back and forward buttons anyway and can’t see why you would be clicking between the tabs in any case.

Well you would be clicking between the tabs, I go between the shields to the scans to the chest…etc…but it is the clicking of the back/forward buttons that is the odd thing to do…I think I discovered this when it opened like that once, and clicking through the back buttons caused it to happen again…I don’t know…just thought it was odd ;D