strange link on the overview page? Is this an infection?

I got a virus last week, I think. The first sign was that Avast(free) was deactivated. ClamWinPortable found this: W32.Virut.Gen.D-148 and quarantined it. I did a system restore 2 days, and I was able to activate Avast again. That doesn’t mean my computer isn’t compromised, though. I’m in the process of removing it - I’m awaiting help at a forum that will help me check, but there’s a long queue of people waiting for help, so I need to be patient. I actually had to open a new avast account to post on this forum, because I have the wrong password written down, and I will not open my main email from this PC, until I know the PC is clean.

In the interim, Avast updated itself. It now shows “you are protected” on a green rectangle on the “overview” page. In the upper right corner of that screen, there’s a link to my email address. When clicked, it asks me to sign in with my password. However, next to MY email address on the overview page, there is ANOTHER link. It says “1228karma”. It kind of looks like there are two users; my email address, and a second user. Is this normal? I’m afraid to click that other 1228karma link. I don’t want to activate anything. I wonder if every time Avast runs, it is infecting files on my PC. I know that the best thing is to “play it safe”. I’m asking only if anybody knows for sure that the extra link should not be there.

Thank you.

Does anyone else have something else on the “overview” page, in the upper right corner other than their own email address?

I just realized that there is a forum for viruses, and perhaps I should have posted there. I am probably going to duplicate the post over there.

karma is a new thing avast is doing in 2015… no one really knows why but if you click the link it shows you your “rewards”. you get karma for things like posting on the forum

Hey there!
Thank you so much for that information about karma.
something is definitely wrong on my pc, but at least it’s not a sign that a monster has taken over Avast!!

I would go to the virus help threads, but I cant, because I already started asking for help somewhere else, and it’s against the rules to ask for help in 2 places…

The virus did not show up in avast in the first place, so I didn’t come here to start.
Unfortunately, more and more of my files are saying that they can’t be scanned “permission denied”. Sometimes it’s a minor thing, but there are just too many, so I’m getting pretty suspicious.

It’s hard to be patient for those guys to help me. They really know what they are doing though, so I am going to wait.