Has anyone seen this review at Windows Marketplace ??? ??? ???
What a heck is this guy talking about! I see that the date is back from 3/23/2005, but i never heard of this kind of thing…
It’s an almost two year old post. In the link above, there is a link to a post in this forum. However that link now points to a totally different subject. It would have been interesting to read alwil’s response to the question. Perhaps some one who has been here awhile can recall.
Yes total pap, what is even more unbelievable that 5 out of 5 people found the comment useful when the whole thing was a false positive detection by WebRoot’s SpySweeper.
This was the infamous FP that several avast users suffered at the hands of SpySweeper deleting ashDisp.exe (as many topics show).
But, even more unbelievable is that no one so far contacted Windows Marketplace, or pressed the “Report violations” link and report this totally misleading review to be removed…