Strange things in sandbox

I recently bought a new computer with Windows 7. When I installed Avast Pro version on that one, there was a message about installing Adobe Flash player as well which I did find strange since I can’t remember that I had to do it.

Now, every time I scan my computer, I get the message that some files couldn’ be scanned. There are a lot of them, obviously stored in the sandbox. It’s impossible to delete them, put them into the quarantine or anything. I don’t know if they are dangerous or not but I find them highly annoying.

Note that Swedish is the main language on this computer.

Files that can not be scanned is this forums most frequently asked question, so lots of info if you forum search

Clear avast safezone/sandbox and they will be gone…

Using the SafeZone scroll down to bottom and see how to reset

The point is that when I open the sandbox, there’s nothing there. Nothing to clear. Those weird files only shows up after a system scan and there’s no way to remove them or anything.

Should I re-install Avast and which is the best way to do that?

They are temporary files, held in the SafeZone sandbox.

Go to avast GUI > Settings > Tools > SafeZone > Reset SafeZone … this will clear the files away.

See attached screen shot.

If you look within the avast GUI you will find a " ? " mark, bottom right of the settings page. That is the HELP file which details all the settings/usage available to you.

avast! SafeZone The avast! SafeZone is an additional security feature in avast! Pro Antivirus, avast! Internet Security and avast! Premier, which allows you to browse the web in a private, secure environment, invisible to the rest of your system. For example, if you do your banking or shopping online, or other security-sensitive transactions, you can be sure that your personal data cannot be monitored by spyware or key-logging software. If you go to a banking site which is recognized by avast!, you will be automatically prompted to use the SafeZone browser for your online transactions. Unlike the avast! Sandbox, which is intended to keep everything contained inside so that it cannot harm the rest of your system, the avast! SafeZone is designed to keep everything else out.

To open the secure SafeZone desktop manually, just go to the “Tools” tab, select “SafeZone” and then click the “Switch to SafeZone” button.

When you switch to SafeZone, the SafeZone web browser will start automatically. The SafeZone browser is a special browser without any additional components such as “plug-ins” which are often used to distribute spyware.

When you are done, click on the Start menu and select “Turn Off” to close the browser and return to your normal desktop. Your browser settings and any files that you have downloaded will be saved automatically and will be there the next time you open it. If you don’t want anything to be saved, click the “Reset SafeZone” button and everything will be deleted. The contents of the SafeZone, including all browser settings, will be reset to their original state.

Alternatively, you can just click the “switch back” button on the taskbar (next to the clock) which will return you to your normal desktop without terminating your web browser, so you can return to it later.

SafeZone also allows you to create a list of sites that should also be opened in SafeZone. Then, if you are in your regular browser and go to your favorite banking site, it will be automatically opened in the SafeZone.

Thanks for reply.

I actually did figure out how to reset the SafeZone earlier today which I did. The annoying files dissapeared. I didn’t notice them when I scanned the computer.

However, when I open the browser in SafeZone (I use Google), the browser recommends that I install some Flash plugin. Now that’s what I did when I had installed Avast on my new computer and that’s when the problems with the sandbox and those temporary files started. Obviously the Flash plugin dissapeared when I did reset SafeZone.

So what should I do now? Ignore the request for the Flash plugin, install it and maybe have the sandbox spammed with those strange files again or use Internet Explorer as my browser in SafeZone?

The main reason that I don’t want those files to show up after a scan is that I want the scan to reveal actual threats, if there are any. Not those strange leftovers.

files that can not be scanned is normal, and it is just a scan error message… not a detection