Strange URL at everytime I connect

Hello Avast!

Every time I connect to the internet I notice a strange HTTP connection to a website with the URL of mark.handbookforhandymen.c/om, The unresolved name/ip is I’m almost positive this is a malicious website, It trys to make the connection even when I don’t have my web browser open & my computer is completely Idle. I had several strange events occur that lead to me monitoring my network traffic with a eagle eye. The first incident was due to my Avast! firewall turning itself off without any input from me, I was unsuccessful at turning it back on, I had to do a clean install. The second incident Involved a warning from avast stating “a program is trying to make changes to your avast!” which was the final straw for me. I immediately assumed this was do to some sort of malicious code or malware being injected into my system. I’ve been on the hunt ever since, Avast!,Malwarebytes,hitmanpro etc yielded Zero results. It’s driven me to the wall and back & I need assistance from a pro because so far whatever it is has evaded everything I throw at it. Just recently someone breached my email account which is VERY concerning because I’ve read how peoples lives have been ruined due to stuff like this, I always use safe zone for private emails etc, but i’m starting to think someone has found a way to under mind it. I’ve also made several attempts to contact Avast! through the UI with no response, I’m guessing the hacker deleted all replies & submissions. Whoever comes to my aId thank you in advance!


Follow these steps as mentioned here and a malware expert will assist you.