Streaming actualizations in Avast! Free are much unestable.

Greetings from Chile, my name is David Alejandro Rubio Escares and i’m have a problem with Streaming Actualizations.

I tell:

Actualizations for Streaming of Avast! are much unestable :-[

Skip consistently from “Connection stabilized” to “Connection not stablilized”, Avast 7 not receive updates for Streaming or get very rare occasions.

In my virtual machine It’s the same problem :-\

My internet is very very unstable, but should at least get something right?

Or is it a problem in Chile
PS: at this very moment the connection is as “Not Set”

Sorry for Orthographic errors, my english not very good.


Sorry for Orthographic errors, my english not very good.
you may find your language here ;)

Ok, close this theme :wink:

I’m posted in this forum :slight_smile:

Greetings and Good Luck.-