Streaming (real-time) updates

i have my virus definitions setting on manual update

do i need to have my setting on auto to get streaming updates?

and if there is a update how long do i have to wait

avast check for updates at computer start up…and download if there are any
if left on it will then check at every 240min (default) and download if there are any

avast usually release vps twice a day, more if needed and some days none
then you have streaming updates that…happens when it happens :slight_smile:

Yes it needs to be on auto update for the streaming updates to work.

i wish you guys could make it work on ask update settings

Since we, as avast! users here, do not create and set up the a/v program, we cannot set it up so that it will work on manual update.

Why the specific issue or request? As DavidR says, only automatic updates will bring you the streaming updates.

Streaming updates are for specific malware definitions and detections that cannot wait until the next main update comes in. To remove any confusion, they are not emergency updates, but they will, when applied, provide a higher level of resident protection for you than you would get otherwise. As such, they are only temporary, and are removed, when the next main update is downloaded.

Seems your approach may result in lesser protection for you, not greater, and would result in more work for you anyway by having to check more frequently as well.

Main updates come in only two to three times a day.

The streaming update packages are always based on the previous “ordinary” virus definition package (adding detections to that, or removing some detections in case of false alarms).
So it doesn’t really make sense to download streaming updates if the ordinary definitions are not updated properly - which is expected to happen if the update is set to manual.

i have setting on ask when update is available

sorry for the confusion

i will try to have it on auto and have streaming updates on

i just received the streaming updates

i noticed that there extension is .bin how does the scanner work with that are they just loaded in memory

because the regular definitions files extensions and .dat

It doesn’t really matter what the file type is, suffice to say avast knows how to handle/integrate the streaming updates into the into the virus database.