Streaming Updates appear to have halted

No streaming updates received here since 15/08/12 19:29.
Streaming updates is enabled and connection is established.

Are you sure you aren’t getting them, as when the next regular auto update happens the previous streaming update are included in it and the old streaming updates are removed.

I believe I had some yesterday, but they were incorporated in 120816-1 VPS update.

Hi, my avast 7 also shows “The Last Update Received” as 8/15/2012. I assume this is the streaming update. Thanks.

No problems here.

So yours too shows the 15th of August. The streaming updates normally come in on a daily , if not hourly (daytime) basis don’t they? Well mine is still showing latest update received as 15 August 19:29 and yet it’s now the 18th of August.

Regular VPS are daily updates, Streaming updates are basically released on hourly schedule or even more often. Since they don’t have fixed interval checking, avast! labs can release them every 5 minutes if they want to or if there is a need to do something like that.

My last update was 8/17/2012 3:26:05 PM I assume that’s EST, I hope that’s the most recent update and I’m not suffering of this, because I really like the idea of streaming updates.

Thanks all. Looks like I’m heading for a repair or reinstall. Am still intrigued though to know why this has happened.
By the way, my time zone is British Summer Time (GMT +1).

As far as I see it the Streaming updates, Last update received: is what it says, and the time I believe would be your computers system date and time.

I have your same problem. The last streaming update I received on my avast is dated to 15th of August. I can’t understand what’s the problem with my avast…

See my last screenshot image (click to expand), does your avastUI, Maintenance, Update section show you are connected (Connection Established) ?

If not check:
That you have the virus definitions Auto Update set to Auto, otherwise no streaming updates.
That you have the avastUI, Settings, Cloud Services, Streaming Updates option checked.

Thanks. Yes, as per my original post, Streaming updates enabled and Connection is established.
I reinstalled Avast a few hours ago and it’s showing latest update received as three dashes, in other words, updates are still not being received despite the reinstallation. :frowning:

I’m not sure why this is happening, but try this - From the avastUI, Settings, Updates, scroll down to Proxy Settings, set it to Direct connection (no proxy), see image.

Ok thanks. I had it set to Auto-Detect (which has always worked prior to 15 August), so have now changed to Direct Connection. Shall monitor and update here shortly.

You’re welcome.
Generally this works for the auto updates if there are problems with the Auto detect setting, though I don’t know if it would have the same effect on the streaming updates.

yes, the connection is estabilished, but I can’t receive streaming updates since 15th of august. On another computer of mine avast streaming updates worked since yesterday, but today it stopped receiving them.

Well there has only been one today so far and I received that at 12:08pm when I first started up my system (now 6:26pm UK time). You could check the avast defs folder, as a secondary check if there is a stream update (note the time matches my last image).

Currently, 1:44 PM EDT in the US, there have been 4 streaming updates.

Edit: The latest was at 1:06 PM EDT.

I have looked to the avast defs folder, and there are no streaming updates received. There is only the folder regarding the last normal VPS update, the number 12081800, but no folder for the streaming updates.

I think there is a problem on update servers. Usually I don’t pay attention to streaming updates but when I sometimes check the updates version, I see that streaming updates are usually a day ahead from regular ones.

I have Avast Free 7.0.1456. The streaming updates connection is enabled and established. The regular updates version is 120818-0; the latest streaming updates were get on Aug 16 at 10:39:34 (EET). The time zone is GMT+3. So it seems that I have the problem too.

Well, it becomes stranger and stranger. I checked Scheduled Tasks and saw that Avast Live Update is working and successfully installed the latest streaming update on Aug 18 at 18:44:41. But the info in the GUI says - Aug 16 at 10:39:34. Could it be of the same line of glitches when green pop-ups show wrong versions of regular updates?