Streaming Updates Stopped working!?

No streaming updates have come in, in over 2 hours.
They were working fine earlier.
The VPS updated to 180129-2.

The last streaming update was: pkg1801290400000005.bin

It will show CONNECTION ESTABLISHED , but no new updates.

Is anyone else experiencing this?

Is this something from my side that has happened ?

Is this something from AVAST? Like a server that is offline?


Not a problem with your system; I too haven’t had any streaming updates since 15:09 this afternoon.

Thank you for your reply.
I am glad to see that I am not alone.
Hopefully this will be addressed by someone from AVAST.
Thanks Again!

No the issue is not with you but with avast servers. Streaming updates can only come [in] when they arrive at the avast servers for distribution.

EDIT: Fixed spelling error.

So why, one wonders, are the updates not reaching the servers? Did I miss some announcement that this was planned?

UPDATE: Normal service is resumed. I received an update at 19:51 London time

Looks like streaming updates have restarted.
Thanks for your input.
I had never seen this before, so I was surprised. Next time I will know!
It has updated 3 times so far.
Looks like there is a gap of about 42 updates.

Looks like there is a gap of about 42 updates.
You are not missing any signatures if that is what you think