Avast keeps detecting the Options.exe file from https://github.com/White-Tiger/T-Clock as a false positive.
I thought I’d be able to report that using “Submit to virus lab…” from the Virus Chest but… this does nothing…
Any clue?
Avast keeps detecting the Options.exe file from https://github.com/White-Tiger/T-Clock as a false positive.
I thought I’d be able to report that using “Submit to virus lab…” from the Virus Chest but… this does nothing…
Any clue?
Submitting False Positive
Sure, I know of that other way to report a false positive… but that doesn’t explain why the built-in feature doesn’t work!
When you submit a file for analysis from the virus chest, you don’t actually see any action at that time. The reason for this is it is transmitted during the next virus definitions update.
When I submit a file from the virus chest, I always initiate a manual virus definitions update. When I have done it like this in the update progress I can see the file being uploaded during the update process.
I don’t know if this has changed in avast 17.x.xxxx as it has been a while since I submitted a file for analysis.
It is still the same in 17.x
It is even mentioned that the file will be submitted during the next VPS update.
Thanks for the confirmation.
It has always had the notification that it will be uploaded with the next VPS update in the past.
As I said, it still has that notification.
I don’t get that notification.
Also, in the past, one would get a dialog where one would input details about the false positive: file source, product name and version if the file is part of a product, etc. Has this all just gone?
what was the detection name, please? Was it IDP?
Yes, it’s IDP, see attached screenshot of the “Properties” dialog.
BTW, it seems Avast ignores my request to exclude this file, I have to restore it repeatedly…
thanks for the screenshot. Yes, submits of IDP detected files is in TODO list.
Option “Restore and add to exclusions” does not work?
I’ve used “Restore and add to exclusions” 3 times already… and it seems the file still gets moved to the chest even though it’s part of the exclusion list…
See screenshots.
I can confirm that “Restore and add to exclusions” does not work for IDP now. Thanks for reporting. Bug will be fixed.
Great! How will we know that the bugfix is available?