Submitting suspicious files NOT in quarantine - how?

I am used to using the Block function of a antivirus real time scanner (or the on demand scanner) if a suspicious file is found. (I don’t use webshield as I already use the Proxomitron).

I ALWAYS use the Block function ONLY (never quarantine) if I believe the detection to be a False Positive. When I am not sure if it could be an actual virus (extremely rare for me as I have never had a virus in 12 years except ones I have deliberately downloaded to a virtual test machine), I still use Block, not quarantine. Then I submit the file to VirusTotal using their neat little program that makes it very easy and quick.

If VirusTotal has very few or no detections then, if this was Avira, I would use their web submission page to submit the file as a suspected FP. I’ve just been told over in Avira forum (where there are a number of unhappy Avira 10 users telling folks to get Avast instead) that the ONLY way to submit to Avast is via quarantine! Is this true? I don’t use quarantine. Avast on my Vista computer is set to ASK what to do and I would tell it to Block not quarantine.

So, how would I submit a suspicious file to Avast when the file is not in quarantine?

Plus, Avira is telling me that Avast lab never replies to the submitter to let them know if the submission was an FP or not. So, how does the user know (assuming this is true)? Are we supposed to post here and ask or what? I can’t find anything in the Avast Help file except regarding submission via quarantine.

Hi Mele is always good to see you, I ask about that yesterday. This is
the thread and the way to do it is easy:


Aloha, bo.elam! Nice to see you also. :slight_smile:

Obviously, I goofed and didn’t do a search here before posting. :frowning:

Thank you for the link. So, it is very easy if you put a COPY of the file into Quarantine and then send the copy. :slight_smile: I’m glad to know how to do it without actually MOVING the file in question to quarantine.

MODS: you can delete this thread since the question was already asked an answered in bo.elam’s thread.