Subscribe to this MonztA ABP List

Hi forum friends,

For ages I have been using the ABP extension in Firefox and Flock to block ads.
There are additional lists one can subscribe to. One of these (especially handy for our german and austrian forum friends) can be found here:
subscribe here: abp://subscribe/?
Also advisable is to subscribe to the easylist from here:


Already there.
No ads please :wink:

Hi Tech,

Thanks for taking a similar attitude toward ads. When I am on a browser with ads galore, it is getting at my nerves. I like these third party iframes blocked. Yes, Tech, my friend, I think we’re not alone in this,


Block them even before getting to the browser

You can use a HOSTS file to block ads, banners, 3rd party Cookies, 3rd party page counters, web bugs, and even most hijackers. This is accomplished by blocking the connection(s) that supplies these little gems.