Subscription has run out, how do I safely activate my new subscription online?

I paid my renewal for my Premier subscription in April - but, because I have not been using the computer much since then, the Subscription 2015 has run out, and I don’t know how to activate the 2016 subscription.

The Avast warning notification has a “RENEW” tab - but I need to connect to the Internet to access and activate the new already paid subscription.

How safe is my computer now at this stage when connecting to the internet to try and sort out my Avast 2016 activation?
Can I connect to the Internet on that computer to activate the subscription safely?

Also, I cant remember receiving any email or anything after paying my renewal - it is verified in my products folder as being there though.

I have no idea what the process is now to activate the 2016 subscription.
Totally confused.

Thanks so much for any help.

Thank-you very much for the links.
I have been resent the email from AVAST to activate the 2016 version.

I am yet to connect to the internet to download the new subscription.
I think my main concern was (in the initial post) - that to renew the subscription I will have to open the internet and emails without any AVAST protection.
Do I assume my computer is at risk during this time?
If so, will an AVAST scan fix anything that has come through?

Thank-you again.

Yes, there is always a change that a system gets infected if you go online without proper protection.

Since you have not mentioned any problems, I would say your system is fine.
Just activate avast.

If you want, run a full system scan.
When in doubt or if you want a thorough check…