I subscribed with Avast in February with a free trial. Money was deducted from my account in March and then was removed again in April. What do I need to do to get a refund for April? Nobody is responding to my tickets.
Welcome to the forum.
Sorry your having a problem. One ticket only…
Every time you request a new one, you start the process all over again.
Post your last ticket # here and I’ll alert a Moderator to help speed things up.
Hi, I’m sorry. I didn’t hear back from anyone and I didn’t know how it worked. I’m on a limited income and losing that money really hurt. I was a tad frantic. This is the last ticket number that I have… #FHB-305-38096 Thank you so much for your help!
I have reported this, hopefully it will get the required attention.
Thank you so much.
You’re welcome.
I noticed upon received my Citibank billing statement that an amount of USD 64.99 transaction deducted into my credit card. Written as DRI AVAST SOFTWARE orderfind comIE charge to me dated 15April 2015…I never never do any transaction nor an extension of my expired Avast Anti Virus. Actually, I already terminated the program software of my expired subscription…Now, I need my money back, please assist.
Lauro B. Hernandez Jr. (registered name) email address junpeb@yahoo.com
Submit a ticket: https://support.avast.com/Tickets/Submit
And don’t post your email address on an open forum unless you enjoy receiving lots of Spam…