I’m using Avast Server with netmanaged clients 4.8 WinXP.
Since this morning users can’t access anymore to a local network web application hosted on one of my servers.
When they try the http://servername link, the usual activex component necessary to run the application (filename.dll) is blocked by the local managed client and considered as a trojan. I did not make any change or update on the webserver since yesterday.
In the ADMN Console, under Task / Client side task / On access scanning task / I edited the “default resident task” and added :
- Standard shield / Advanced : added “*:\filename.dll” to the exclusion list
- Web shield / Exceptions : added “http://servername” to URLs to exclude
Nothing seems to work, the local managed client continue to block the file.
Any quick help could be appreciated.
EDIT : sorry I posted in wrong categorie, should have been in “avast! 4 DNM”