Suddenly Going slow?!?

My computer has suddenly gone really slow.

For example, I was playing snake in a Forum Arcade, It worked perfectly. Now Today, I get an apple it freezes for 2 seconds then speeds up, slows down and now I can’t get the highscore.

On my Desktop computer it runs fine.

Loading programs has been slow, Slight lag on games. I scanned my comp on Trend Micro 2009 pro. It detected Adware_fasterXP, I’ve had this for a while and I’ve deleted it. Nothing else was found.

Try updating ur flash player and shockwave player^^

Maybe that will do the trick^^

Good Luck^^


Yeh, but needing an update doesn’t make it slow :wink:


Could this be anything to do with your reduced download speed as mentioned in another thread?

In some cases older software can slow things down, particularly if the hosting (game) site has updated theirs.

My mum was downloading a torrent which Had been on all week and was only at 50% (was only 1.6gb =o) Anyway, I cancelled that and now the speed is 160KBs Still not there yet >.> Still haven’t got my email. Great Service ::slight_smile:

But, if it worked fine on my other computer than it would have the same results wouldn’t it?

Have a look at the CPU and RAM usage in taskmanager during the times it slows down or hesitates, (order the columns appropriately) and report back on what processes are using it up.
If it’s not a resource issue, it’s probably a bandwidth issue.

Ram Usage - 1.25GB
CPU Usage - 5-20%
Phys Mem - 41%
Processes - 94 (Just gotta love vista ;D)

RAM and CPU usage seem a bit high at times. What processes are using 20% of CPU when that’s happening.
(You might have to be quick to spot it.)
“How to”:
Open task manager. Select CPU header. Click it again so that the highest using process (usually “system idle process” ) is at the top.
Play the game, or whatever it is that causes the hesitations. Bit hard to do, maybe with Taskmanager covering 1/4 of the screen, but try. When it freezes, look at the process.

System Idle Process is using around 90
Firefox is around 5-15

(Budge in^^)

Woah! 90 processes! mines only about 49-55^^

umm…u can try updating ur graphic drivers^^(just maybe^^)

Good Luck bro^^


It’s up to date :wink:

Not sure what it is though, I googled it but ???

I do notice it drop when I do something though

Well, there’s nothing obvious, apart from the large number of programs you have starting (or running), and the fact that it appears you have decided to be a Beta tester.
You might want to trim the load a bit, and maybe get rid of the Beta software, or see if the Mozilla forums can help you.

But I like 3.5 Didn’t know it was still beta though.

Trim the load?

Your HjT log shows a lot of processes…programs running. These either run at start, or you have started them yourself.
Those that you don’t need to start with Windows can be configured not to, in many cases. Like Messenger. Like all the HP crap that would have come pre-loaded on the computer. Hint: Look at the program options for each program.
Some things should run when Windows starts. And some things think they should but really don’t need to. (Hint: Google the process name, eg: jusched.exe)
Some things can not be disabled from within their own applications, and can be stopped from starting by using msconfig.
And if you are feeling a bit hardcore, you could try tweaking Windows by disabling services that may have nothing to do, no relevance, to how you are using your computer. “BlackViper” has a lot of tweaking information, complete with sensible caveats and advice, for those that want to do this.

Thanks Tarq, I’ll go over it :slight_smile:

Couple of things to be aware of.

  • If items disabled via their own settings, or via msconfig, need to be started (like, you might want to open or use the program affected) it might take a second (or five) longer to respond. But if you’re only using it once or twice an hour, then the trade off is worth it. And if you don’t find that to be the case, you can always put it back.

-More importantly, it can be fairly easy to get carried away with the “super tweaks” from BlackVipers’ site, and end up doing something that prevents your computer from doing what you want (or need) it to do.
I suggest to read the advice on the site fairly carefully, and if you decide to disable or set a service to manual, make yourself aware of what it does, what might depend on it (check “dependencies” under “properties” in “services.msc”) and check also what it depends on.

And do one tweak at a time. Have a look at the results over a day or three. Or if you must multi-tweak keep a bit of a detailed log of exactly what you did and when, so you can reverse it if necessary.

It’s referred to as “tweaking” and I guess it is, of sorts, but it’s really not. All it is is disabling services available in Windows that you don’t need to use. Frees up a few more resources, and in some cases may improve security by reducing the number of web-facing applications.

I went through the Whole process list on there, ended what I know I can.

I now have 85 Processes
35% physical memory.
Freed up heap of memory
Tripled Shutdown and Boot time
Only using 1.06RAM
and slightly less CPU usage

The Tweaks I did was

Disable UAC
Remove Windows Sidebar
Disabled Remote Resistance.
Checked for Update drivers
Lighten System Tray
Ended some Services. nothing was security or Stuff I just went ???

Tripled Shutdown and Boot time
Do you mean it now takes [i]three times longer [/i]to boot or shut down? ??? ??? ??? Better undo what you did. That last ''tweak" you've listed: Add/remove. What did that involve/what is it supposed to do? (be advised you aren't speaking with a native Vista speaker, here. ;) XP born and bred. Apart from a learning period with '98.)

Sorry, I meant it’s a heap faster ;D Thanks guys

Gonna clear out cache, Run CCleaner and do a Disk Cleanup and maybe do a Defrag.

I still got one laggy game of snake =p slightly better though

I’ll see how is after Cleanup and defrag.

I went to startup tab on CCleaner but didn’t know what any of it was. I’ll look them up when I can be bothered =P