Jefferson, Good afternoon, I hope the next version of Avast count with a detector more sensitive behavior to new threats, particularly those for which have not yet been created signatures for detection, as with many ransomwares.
I think it’s very valid need for improvement of your module comportamento.deveria also count as Hips.o would it be? The HIPS (Host Intrusion Prevention System) monitors every activity of a program and, depending on configuration, prompts the user for a response or acts based on predefined criteria.
Furthermore, blocking behavior monitor the entire program behavior. When a number of actions beyond the normal pattern, characterizing suspicious behavior, the behavior blocker, depending on configuration, alert the user to take an attitude or act automatically based on predefined criteria.
Although they appear to be the same thing, HIPS performs a control level of access each application (for example, this program is free to make X and not Y, while the blocking behavior has a more global action - the entire application is in released a whole or not. Fortunately, most security suites currently combine both types of resources.
While HIPS enables a more thorough control, it is more suitable for advanced users who have both the knowledge and the patience to respond to alerts and make appropriate choices. Used correctly, the HIPS not only offers excellent protection for your computer, but also can put the user abreast of individual actions that each program takes.
Behavior blockers perform access a collection of actions taken by a program in order to assist in decision making by the user. For example, a program with a typically bad behavior can be automatically placed in quarantine without any user interference. And since the detectors behavior are more concerned with the behavior of a whole program instead of their individual actions, they can be much better understood by users and thus also appropriately used. For this reason, behavior blockers are ideal for less experienced users.
When combined, behavioral blocking technology can facilitate the decision making and also encourage the actions of HIPS, something that will surely please both the basic and advanced users. Both HIPS as the behavior blocker can work together and both being part of a security suite that already has an antivirus and a firewall.
With an estimate of approximately 30,000 new malware files every day, it is very difficult for programs based solely on detection signatures can deal with these ameaças.o avast could also have a feature to scan or key values of the records, found no option within the scan options.
that my suggestion to the next!!