Suggest settings for Active Content for Browsing Internet/website- file analysis

Suggest settings for Active Content for the following, what to allow and what to block, which scripts to block and allow that I can load WebPages, read my emails and download files with ease.


Cookies                             Allow or Block?
ActiveX                             Allow or Block?
Java applets                      Allow or Block?
Referrers                           Allow or Block?
Flash                                Allow or Block?
Hidden frames                    Allow or Block?
Animated GIF                     Allow or Block?
External active content       Allow or Block?	
JavaScript                        Allow or Block?
VBScript	                         Allow or Block?
Scripting ActiveX               Allow or Block?	
Pop-up windows                Allow or Block?

Suggest websites where I can put file for analysis like VirusTotal and for file analysis of Windows Application errors.


i dont understand a lot but he pro version of avast has a module of script blocking and it is effective in block java scripts,vb,…(infected i mean)

Common users give a penny about the “source” of the malware. It’s too technical.
They want the malicious content blocked. That’s all folks :slight_smile: