Suggestion for on-demand scanner of Home Edition


It’s possible to have on the next version of Home Edition, the feature that when avast! detects a virus during the on-demand scan it continues the scan after the alert dialog appear, or prompt to us what to do with the infected files at the final of scan?


This I believe is only for the Pro version, the penalty of having the free version. The developers have too eat ;D

Surely if you have Silent Mode with General answer No set infected files will be sent to the chest and you can check them after the scan and decide what to do with them then?

the feature that when avast! detects a virus during the on-demand scan it continues the scan after the alert dialog appear

DavidR, can you do this on Pro Edition?

As far as I’m aware you can do a much more detailed actions on detection than simply moving it to the chest (but I’m a humble home user also), like Repair, if that fails, move to chest, if that fails delete, etc. etc. It does however continue after the what if actions are carried out without user intervention to the end of the scan.

After a scan with the pro version you can also view a scan log at your leisure and not just the one off pop-up list of files not scanned, etc. of the home version.

But if you set, on Pro, to prompt what to do when avast! find an infection, the scan doesn’t continue until you decide what to do with the infection…

Well don’t set it to ‘prompt.’ Set it up to repair, if that fails move to chest, if that fails, etc. etc. that is the purpose so you can do an unattended scan without being prompted.


Extract from

[b]Enhanced User Interface (Professional version only)[/b]

In addition to the Simple User Interface, the Professional Edition presents the Enhanced User Interface, giving you all the features and possibilities for extensive scanning.

Unlike the Simple User Interface, the scanning is performed by so called “tasks”. First, you define a task, including various parameters - areas to scan, what to scan, how to scan, etc. Having the task, you can (possibly repeatedly) run it. Each task generates a list of results; you can work with them later.

Another important feature, closely connected with tasks, is the Scheduler. It gives you the ability to schedule the tasks running, either one-time or periodically.

Of course, it is possible to set all the existing options of scanning (task), not available in the Simple User Interface.

I know that, but it a feature that I would like to have in Home and Pro Edition, but if it’s not possible…

I really don’t understand why should we have to set an option in Standard Shield to work on On-Demand scanner!
This kind of things in avast! doesn’t make any sense…

Well, the feature is already present in avast! Home, at least to some extent.
If an infected file is found, you check the “Don’t show again” checkbox and click the OK button, you get exactly what you ask for…

And no, this has really nothing to do with the Silent mode of Standard Shield.

If we choose that option, when the scan finish we can’t choose what to do with the infected files…

But if this is a restriction of the Home Edition, I understand… :wink:

You can; after the scan is finished, the window containing all the results will appear; you can perform the actions from there, e.g. by rightclicking on the particular item.

You are right.

My last tried was scanning a folder by the context menu of windows explorer and here we doesn’t have that window…
It’s possible to also include this window when we scan via windows explorer?

My request to continue the scanning when an infection is found, is because thus we can start the scan and only came back to the computer when we want or can…

I’m afraid the Explorer Extension doesn’t have such an option. It’s considered to be a “quick scanner”, e.g. for a quick check of a downloaded file, so it’s rather simple. For “bigger tasks”, the ordinary Simple/Enhanced user interface is more appropriate.

OK, thanks :slight_smile: