Suggestion for right-click scan.

Could you add a possibility to close some of several right-click scans,which are running simultaneously? See the picture below.

Scan One by one

You can run as many as you like and when a scan is complete there is an OK button that when clicked should close the results. At least that is what it does on my system, did you click the OK button ?

Have you in mind the quick scan? But i had in mind the scan through the context menu :slight_smile: Try to start a scan of drive C:\ and then start a scan of drive D:. Or,better,try to scan any folder. And wait for the end of one of the scans. You’ll see that you can’t close the part of window with the ended scan.

yeah…would be easier if they appeared in different windows in the first place may be…otherwise I don’t mind, I rarely use the context menu scan option for more than one scan at a time, I prefer to create a custom scan if needed.