[Suggestion] It should be linked to EXACT location, not the nearby street.

I’m trying to make a suggestion here.
It’s about the web interface location report,
which we got from the location report sms, and then open the link from the browser.

On that web interface location report,
Google Maps coordinate link is slightly unusable.

When we click coordinate link, for example it goes to here:


That link is not effective, it will be located on the NEARBY STREET from the location.
NOT THE EXACT point location from the lost device.




It is annoying,
Because when it’s happen on developing country, which not all of street is mapped,
it will goes to “near” street from the exact location, which is NOT exactly near.
And it is also a problem, when the device lost fallen on some field far from the street for example.

But, FYI, when you open on desktop browser, the exact location is shown, and marked as green arrow,
but on Google Maps app there’s no green arrow, just nearby street from the location.
It confuse some people, they will search lost device on the building near the street, not the exact real location.

The effective coordinate Google Maps link is, to put “loc:” before the coordinate.





When we put “loc:” on the link, it will go to exact point of the coordinate, not the nearby street.
just try both link and see the difference.

it should be like this, the correct exact location:


just try open these links from mobile device (android), and then open from Google Maps app when it’s prompted.

Thank you, i hope this “loc:” thing is implemented,
so it will be better for the user experience… :slight_smile:
Because good GPS accuracy from the lost device will be nothing,
when it goes to nearby street, not the exact location.

OK thanks good feedback is implemented now, you can try.

thank you…
that was fast response :slight_smile:

yup, i’ve been tried it.
and now it is goes to exact location when opened with Google Maps app / desktop browser.
thank you very much… :smiley:
