Suggestion : link to new virus updated

I think that it would be a good idea when you send us a new iavs update to give in your email message a direct link to the update history page of your site. so we can check what new virus have been added… 8)

that shouldn’t be too difficult and very useful.


Why they will need to do that? You can check what is new in their website directly.

for program latest changes check

for VPS updates check

Bookmark these pages if you want, so you can access them easy.

i didn’t think it was so difficult to put that link in the iavs mail we receive ::slight_smile:

it’s just one line and you don’t have to open your browser and clik on bookmarks and then click on the link… :wink:

but i know… i must be one of these lazy french who works 35hours/week ;D ;D ;D

The problem is that the website is usually not updated yet when the mail is sent out.
Web update has lower priority than the rest, and takes some time…

Anyway, this might change in the future.

ok… :-[ :-[ :-X :-X

thanks VLK - you’re doing a great job (bravo pour le VB100%)